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A checklist to being a better listener
Jul 8th, 2022

When you think about it, we aren’t really taught to listen. Listening is a skill. It can be learned. But it also needs to be practiced.     You can be the…

Human beings as objects?
Jul 8th, 2022

The idealist in me thinks that many of the world’s problems, including racism, would disappear if we stopped seeing human beings as objects. As I wrote that last sentence, I…

Empathy and compassion fatigue
Jul 8th, 2022

When you’re talking to a friend about your hard day at work or talking about the fight you had with your partner… there can be nothing better than having that…

Be more empathetic, and less judgmental
Jul 8th, 2022

You’re having one of those days when everything is going wrong, and a friend happens to call you. They ask how you are, and you tell them you got a…

Empathy the key to peer support
Jul 8th, 2022

When people with similar experiences come together with the specific intention of helping each other, there’s a term for that. The term is peer support. According to Peer Support Canada,…

How to have more empathy: A skill to be learned
Jul 8th, 2022

Having empathy means you understand others’ emotions, share their feelings, and respond with compassion and care.   Being able to put ourselves in other people’s shoes is a core part of…

The art of listening: Six steps to being a better listener
Jul 8th, 2022

You might have a thousand Facebook friends or followers on Instagram. Or maybe you have friends the “old-fashioned” way. In any case, we know that having a good community of…

The power of empathy
Jul 8th, 2022

Practicing empathy helps us regulate our emotions, connect with others and feel less isolated, writes Helen Fishburn  For the past two years, we have been encouraged to “stay home,” and…

CMHA welcomes decriminalization of some illicit substances in BC, calls for more action
Jun 2nd, 2022

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) BC Division and National offices welcome the decision from the federal government to grant a request from the Province of British Columbia to provide…