Thinking of suicide or worried about someone you know? Call or text 9-8-8, toll-free, anytime, for support.

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How to create a workplace wellness box
Nov 22nd, 2018

As temperatures drop and workloads surge, it’s important to keep your mental health top of mind. If your workplace is healthy, mentally-speaking, you are likely to feel good about being…

Marijuana and mental health: What you should know now that it’s legal
Nov 22nd, 2018

Now that recreational use of cannabis is legal in Canada, it’s important to know the facts and keep safety in mind (both mental and physical) when considering using cannabis. Here’s…

6 reasons to work for mental health parity
Nov 22nd, 2018

One in five people will face a mental health problem in any given year [1] and yet mental health does not occupy the place it deserves in the public health…

3 reasons to take a vacation this summer
Jul 28th, 2018

Canadians miss out on an average of three earned vacation days every year.[1] While you may feel that’s a small sacrifice to make to get the job done, the consequences…

Meditation and your mental health
Jul 27th, 2018

You hear about it more and more: meditation for your mental health. But what is meditation? And why is it so beneficial?  Many of us have meditated without even realizing it. If you’ve ever…

Mental health and nature
Jul 26th, 2018

Get outside while it’s still summer. Whether it’s a mountain hike, a picnic in the park, gardening or simply lounging in the sun, a dose of fresh air in nature…

CMHA100 – Impact Story CMHA Vernon – Super Saturday/Friday Night Live
Jul 26th, 2018

Parenting when you have a mental illness isn’t a walk in the park. In fact, a child of someone with a mental illness is more likely to experience their own…

Celebrity suicides: Preventing “contagion”
Jun 12th, 2018

By the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Centre for Suicide Prevention In our culture, we are mostly silent about suicide. But when celebrities die by suicide – as Kate Spade and…

CMHA Opioid Policy – Media Release
May 13th, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Canada must treat opioid use as a health issue, not a criminal matter. The Canadian Mental Health Association calls for care not corrections to relieve opioid crisis…