2014 CMHA National Award Winners
NOVEMBER 4, 2014 – The Consumer Involvement Award honours a consumer/person with lived experience who best exemplifies self-determination and a strong sense of advocacy, and who has made an outstanding contribution to the involvement of consumers/persons with lived experience within CMHA and in society in general. The award honours past, present and future consumer leaders and recognizes the CMHA values: to embrace the voice and promote the inclusion of people with mental health issues.
Delbert Lou-Hing, from Burnaby, British Columbia is this year’s recipient. Delbert is an active member at the ECHO Program – a Clubhouse-type program serving Burnaby that supports individuals in their recovery journey by offering a place to access a wide range of services and supports that focus on creating community and belonging. Delbert’s excellent leadership qualities complement CMHA’s value of embracing the voice of people with mental health issues and promoting inclusion both inside and outside of CMHA.
The Strengthening CMHA Award is presented to a CMHA Division or Branch or to a staff member or volunteer who has provided inspirational leadership, innovation and excellence within CMHA related to the collective goals and core functions of CMHA’s national strategic plan. This award honours the long and rich history of CMHA and the collaborative efforts of all CMHA locations across the country to achieve its shared vision: mentally healthy people in a healthy society.
This year’s recipient is Bev Gutray, CEO, CMHA British Columbia. Bev embodies everything that this award stands for. Over the last two decades, she has provided inspirational leadership, created innovative and award-winning programs and services and in doing so, has strengthened CMHA and advanced its strategic goals.
But more than that, Bev has worked tirelessly with wholehearted commitment to CMHA. She has positioned the organization for success at both a national and provincial level and is dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of those we serve.
The last award,The C.M. Hincks Award, was presented this past April and honours the spirit and social commitment of the founder of CMHA, Clarence Meredith Hincks. It is presented to an organization or individual that works – in the same sprit as Mr. Hincks – to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness. This year, CMHA nominated a workplace that exemplifies this award: ATB Financial – Alberta’s largest financial institution.
ATB Financial was presented with their award at The Employee Assistance Trade Association conference.
We would like to congratulate all award recipients along with all of this year’s award nominees.