
The groundswell that was the year
Sep 27, 2022
How rare to have one word sum up a whole year of work, but that’s groundswell for you.
A groundswell is a deep surge of waves caused by a large storm far out at sea.
A groundswell is also a surge of support, approval, or enthusiasm, especially among the general public.
These two meanings may seem far apart, but this year at CMHA, they went side by side. The storm – a pandemic that just won’t let go – has affected the mental health of so many people. So, buoyed by massive support for our cause, CMHA worked with passion to make this country one where everyone has the mental health support they need, when they need it.
And so we called our year-in-review Groundswell. It tells the story of the impact CMHA National has had over the last year. It tells how wave after wave of energy, innovation and hard work are moving the country forward to a place where mental health is a universal human right.
And the waves keep on coming.
We are influencing policy at the federal level and releasing research to guide that policy. We are providing learning opportunities so that mental health is treated as a matter of health. Because it most definitely is.
We are offering programs that help people and that are backed by donors and funders who see how important that help is.
We are changing minds – and cultures – about mental health through our in-demand public and workplace education programs and training opportunities.
It’s been quite a ride, surfing this groundswell. We thank all of our allies, partners and advocates for the momentum you give our work.
For the full story, read Groundswell, our Impact Report for 2022.