Thinking of suicide or worried about someone you know? Call or text 9-8-8, toll-free, anytime, for support.

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The mood-boosting benefits of getting active

When winter puts a damper on your mood, exercise can give you a natural mood-boost

Feeling sluggish, and unmotivated? There’s a way to lift your spirits that’s within everyone’s grasp: just get your body moving! When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and feel-good chemicals that reduce feelings of pain and increase feelings of pleasure, literally boosting your mood.

We get it, going outside for a walk in -20 C might not be the most appealing option. But you don’t need to jog or hike in freezing weather to get all the great benefits of being active! Just 15 minutes of moderate exercise like dancing, yoga, chores around the house or just doing some jumping jacks or push-ups can provide a mood-enhancing effect.

On top of all of that, physical activity can help you cope with stress, reduce anxiety and depression, help you think better, increase self-esteem, and can play a role in preventing mental health issues. This makes getting active an essential part of our mental health toolkits!

Start mood-boosting today!

Want to combat the winter blues but don’t know where to start? Join us for The Push Up Challenge! From February 11-28, we’re pushing to complete 2,000 push-ups to represent the 20 percent of Canadians who will experience a mental illness each year. While push-ups are encouraged, any form of exercise that’s exciting to you is welcome! 

Winter Blues or something more? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder


If you or someone you love is struggling, please contact your local CMHA
9-8-8 is for anyone who is thinking about suicide, or who is worried about someone they know. Connect to a responder to get help without judgement. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime for support in English or French. For more information, visit