Federal Election 2021 – All-Party Questionnaire
Sep 17, 2021
In August 2021, the Canadian Mental Health Association developed an election questionnaire for major federal political parties on mental health topics. The questionnaire asked parties to provide details regarding how they would respond to ongoing and emerging mental health issues facing people in Canada today. Issues addressed in the questionnaire include: responding to the impact of the pandemic on mental health, bringing accountability to the delivery of mental health within the Canada Health Transfer, Indigenous mental health, supportive housing for people with mental illnesses and substance use problems, and addressing addiction and substance use problems in response to the opioid crisis.
Below are responses CMHA received from major political parties received as of Friday, September 17th and each party’s platform:
Bloc Québécois
Response to CMHA Questionnaire (in French only)
Party Platform (in French only)
Conservative Party of Canada
Response to CMHA Questionnaire
Party Platform
Green Party of Canada
Response to CMHA Questionnaire
Party Platform
Liberal Party of Canada
Response to CMHA Questionnaire
Party Platform