Thinking of suicide or worried about someone you know? Call or text 9-8-8, toll-free, anytime, for support.

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National Site

Visit our provincial websites

Rural and remote mental health and substance use health forum

Interested in mental health, addictions, and substance use health in your community?

Join the Canadian Mental Health Association (national office) and the Centre for Community Based Research for an online discussion about the priority needs and resources in your community.

Why participate?


All forums will be hosted on Zoom. French discussion group and closed captioning available.

Atlantic Canada
Thursday, September 26
12-2:30 p.m. ADT

Quebec and Ontario
Thursday, October 3
1:30-4 p.m. EST

Thursday, October 3
12:30-3 p.m. CST

Saskatchewan and Alberta
Friday, September 27
10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. CST/MST

British Columbia
Friday, September 27
9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. PST

Northern Territories
Friday, October 4
3:30-6 p.m. EST

Get in touch

If you have questions or are interested but unable to join the forum, email [email protected].