Social media house rules
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) invites people impacted by and interested in our work to post, share, discuss, and debate the subjects of CMHA posts on its social channels with CMHA and each other while treating CMHA staff and each other with respect.
CMHA will delete or hide comments or posts that:
- are unrelated to CMHA services, programs, or projects or to the subject of the post the comment was made on, or are unintelligible or irrelevant
- are targeted at an individual (including CMHA staff or a representative of CMHA) or are profane (including inappropriate language, suggested or explicit), hateful or defamatory, insulting, rude, abusive, aggressive, or violent
- promote, foster, or perpetuate any form of discrimination and/or harm
- contain content of a sexual nature or links to such content
- conduct or encourage illegal activity
- are aimed at soliciting business or for marketing purposes
- contain spam including persistent negative and/or abusive posts in which the aim is to provoke a response
- invade the privacy of others, e.g., share information about any identifiable individual including photographs of, information about, or views and opinions of that individual
- could compromise public safety, security, or CMHA operations, including comments that contain misinformation or disinformation
- violate a legal ownership interest of any other party (e.g., copyright)
- impersonate or misrepresent someone else, including public figures, CMHA staff, or CMHA officials
- do not add to the normal flow of conversation, dialogue, or debate
If you have questions or concerns about CMHA’s social media house rules or moderation practice, email [email protected].