The 24-hour Train-the-Trainer (TTT) workshop prepares and certifies in-house Indigenous first responders to become Peer Instructors. Peer Instructors will facilitate the Resilient Minds™ 12-hour course to their fire department and/or region for no extra licensing fee. The only extra cost is the purchase of participant workbooks.
The workshop includes ongoing mentorship and support from the provincial Canadian Mental Health Association and National Resilient Minds team.

The Train-the-Trainer includes…
- Comprehensive overview of the latest literature on psychological injury, stress, trauma, and resilience;
- Trauma-informed curriculum and toolkit to recognize early signs of psychological stress in self, peers, and citizens and how to promptly and appropriately respond and resource;
- Interactive Instructor Manual with over 50 different group activities to choose from and robust resources customised for Indigenous First Responders.
- Scheduled presentation practice time followed by a formal Candidate Assessment process for certification;
- Facilitation by two subject-matter expertise Master Trainers with ongoing mentorship and support from the CMHA and Resilient Minds™ team.
Peer Instructor Qualifications
- Experience in adult education and prior experience/training with instruction such as but not limited to “Emergency Communication Operator 1”;
- Demonstrated the ability to deliver content and effectively engage a group;
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills, and promoter and advocate of mental health;
- Ability to provide excellence and a professional representation of CMHA;
- Able to work collaboratively in a way that is culturally safe and trauma-informed;
- Preference for those actively involved with a Critical Incident Stress Management team/peer support.
Peer Instructor Expectations
- Required to attend and complete the full 24-hour Train-the-Trainer workshop. If time is missed, it is required to re-register for another TTT to complete certification;
- Use of the Resilient Minds™ platform which supports Peer Instructors administering courses across the country.
Status and Certification
After completing the Train-the-Trainer, the candidate must deliver one course before receiving formal certification as a Peer Instructor. Successful assessment of course evaluations will demonstrate ability to facilitate the program content effectively.
It’s important to know, although rare, a candidate may be given the status of ‘Not Ready”. In this case they will need to re-register and complete a second Train-the-Trainer workshop.