Thinking of suicide or worried about someone you know? Call or text 9-8-8, toll-free, anytime, for support.

Delivery Options

Certify instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds™ course to their peers in their own department or to other departments in a geographic region (Train-the Trainer and Regional Train-the-Trainer). You can also schedule a Resilient Minds course for your department’s staff with an external instructor. Do this by coordinating with the local Canadian Mental Health Association, or by contacting [email protected].


24-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

Workshop that prepares and certifies Indigenous First Responders to become Peer Instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds course to their department.

This model best serves large fire departments that require multiple Peer Instructors for their department.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA Instructor Trainer and a certified Indigenous First Responder Instructor Trainer.

Resilient Minds Course

12-hour course | Maximum 25 participants

A pair of Indigenous First Responder Peer Instructors or Instructor Trainers provided through CMHA delivers the course to your department.

Regional Train-the-Trainer

24-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

The Regional option invites, trains, and certifies Indigenous First Responders from multiple fire services in a single region to become Peer Instructors.

This model best serves regions that are populated with small teams, and/or largely volunteer fire fighters.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA and a certified Indigenous First Responder Instructor Trainer.

NEW! Resilient Minds Virtual

All training is now available and/or deliverable virtually. The virtual training is real-time and remains peer-led.

Maximum 15 participants